If you are interested in joining our community then we run everything on an app called Discord. Discord is an amazing platform for building communities like ours. Like most teams we started off with a Facebook group but it very quickly became impossible to effectively organise anything in a meaningful way. As we were already using Discord to talk to one another during races, it made a lot of sense to see what would be possible beyond that. And as it turns out... you can do a lot! Making that switch very early on meant that we have been able to leverage the full power of the platform and build a structure that has scaled as we have grown.
The Coalition is often complimented for being well organised, but it would not be possible without Discord. However, we know most people have never used it before and so might be worried about trying a different communication tool – don't be!
Here's what you need to do:
- Head to 'JOIN DISCORD' which will redirect you to our Discord landing page and offers an overview of the community.
- If you're not on Discord already then you will need to download the app and created an account. Most people use the app on their phone, but if you want to get the most out of the tool then we highly recommend also downloading the desktop client to your computer (PRO TIP!).
- Once you have got your account set up and joined the Coalition server, then read through the notes in the Welcome which lists the steps required to get set up on the server. We have a super lovely onboarding team who can answer any questions you might have.
- Once you're set up then the team will introduce you to everyone and you can already make some new friends and hope into a ride or race!
Whilst we have a passion and dedication to racing, we are also believe in community spirit and work hard to ensure everyone is supported. So if you have never raced before in your life – no problem! We have lots of people join us and race for the first time, and we have several teams set up especially for those new to racing.